On October 15th, I found a lump in my left breast. It seemed really weird but I immediately thought it was related to the fact that I was still breast feeding Mateo. 3 days later, the lump was still there even after several massage, heat and pumping sessions. So, I put in a call to my OB/GYN but could not get an appointment to see her so they suggested that I see my general practitioner. I was in to see my general practitioner on October 22nd. After a breast exam, he immediately assured me that there was no way that a lump of this size (size of a lime) could be breast cancer because it would take decades for a tumor to get that big. Whew. But, given my family history, and my persistance, he ordered an ultrasound.
On November 2nd, I was finally able to to be seen and the radiologist did report that the ultrasound showed a solid mass "It is most likely a Fibroadenoma," she said. She ordered a biopsy.

Getting in for a biopsy was a difficult and long process. After several phone calls made by both myself and Junior, we finally had an appointment right before Thanksgiving.
During the biopsy, the radiologist numbed the area and made his incision. I watched on the ultrasound machine as he poked the mass several times and within a couple of minutes he informed me that he would not be performing the biopsy because what I had was a "hard ball of old milk." I was so confused. Since I was still laying on the table half naked and they did not allow Junior in for the procedure, I probably did not ask the right questions. But, I did ask him if he was absolutely sure that it was a hard ball of old milk. He responded, "Can I tell you with 100 percent accuracy that there are no cancer cells somewhere in the outer perimeter of this mass? No." ( I forget what he said after that). He did aspirate some fluid and sent it in for testing. Again, I left feeling pretty uneasy. I even told the tech that he was a complete DORK!
While I awaited the results of the aspirated fluid, I consulted a Nurse practitioner at my OB/GYN's office, one that I have developed a close relationship with. She advised that I push to be referred to a general surgeon, someone who sees this kind of stuff all the time.
On Novemeber 30th, I was called in for the results of the aspirated fluid ( I am sure you are beginning to see the pattern of super-slow motion health care offered by this medical group). The Dr. said that it was "mostly breast milk." At that point, I asked to be referred to a general surgeon and he agreed that would be a good idea since this really was not his area.
On January 11th, I went in for my appointment with my general surgeon and the first thing he said was "you have a lump and you have a history of breast cancer, I am removing the lump. I don't even need to see it to know that's what I am going to do." Finally, someone who at least acts like they know what they are doing!!!! After he performed a breast exam, he concluded that he would need to perform a core biopsy. That was done within 5 minutes. He measured the mass and told me that it had already grown 1.5 times since the ultrasound on November 2nd. He was concerned.
On January 18th, he called to inform me that my results show a malignancy. I really did not hear much after that other than "oncologist, surgeon, cancer" etc.
The next morning I called the general surgeons office to see if I could come in to discuss my pathology report and take a copy. I obviously had several questions that I did not think of over the phone. This is when I learned that I was being diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Grade 3.
Hi Felicitas! Just want to let you know that we will be praying every night and stand with you throughout this ordeal. Say hello to Junior and give Graciela, Maya and Mateo a hug for us.
Sal, Melba and Mia Rubalcava
My beautiful Comadre,
ReplyDeleteWe ARE going to beat this TOGETHER! We are here to help and support you all through this. We love you!
Neal & Kristine
ReplyDeleteI've known you almost all my life, and am so grateful to have gotten closer to you as we've gotten older. I see in you what I've always known, You are an amazing woman, full of patience, grace, loyalty, love and more importantly humor! You will get through this and it will only make you stronger and wiser. I have faith and when you don't I'll carry your faith. So many people are fighting with you and for you becuase you are a blessing to us all so its an honor to carry this with you. We love you Comadre, keep up the good fight, and when your tired we'll fight for you.
Con amor siempre,
Tu Comadre Monica (and Brandon) :)
ReplyDeletewe are here for you and will be thinking about you. Do you need me to come over and make some colorful paper pom-poms or tutus? I'll bring the materials and you, crafty lady ,can instruct me on how to put it all together. Seriously anything you need at all...babysitter, errands, dinners, food...please don't hesitate to ask. If anyone can kick the crap out of cancer it's you my funny, amazing friend!
Much love,
Jessie Sanches
OMG Felicitas how did I miss this. Hugs girlfriend. I'm so, so sorry. If there is anything I can do ... albeit from far away please know that I am here for you. Sending prayers and sprinklings of healing fairy dust your way. Love you.
ReplyDeleteYou still feel like the little sister I never had. I love you VERY much! I will be praying every night for you and your family. This news lays heavy on my heart as I'm sure it does to all who know and love you. I'll be sending you positive, healing vibes all the time so I hope you feel the love. Cancer has definitely messed with the wrong girl!!! Love, Hugs and Kisses
Thank you to your friend who created this blog and will keep us all updated. It is much appreciated!
I'm so thankful you have such amazing, supportive friends and family around you. You are an amazing women and gratefully you dont have to do this alone. Your humor is contagious girl! Keep your spirits up and thank you for allowing me to be part of this. Keep giving your babies the mommy you are and fight like hell! If anyone can do this, it's you sweetie. Like Tiffany said "cancer messed with the wrong woman!" lots of prayers and love to you and your family.
You are stunning! Lots of love and prayers always,
There is truly no words that i can say to let you know how much i love you. I have been so sick with emotion since I heard the news, you would think it was happening to me. Truth is the thought of you going through this makes me sick and even angry because it just seems so unfair!
ReplyDeleteI admire your strength, you truly are so strong, and i know you are going to rock this! You were the one who told me, "eventually 'they' will get tired and want to quite. You step in and fight for them when they feel they no longer can because once they stop fighting it is over." I know you are a fighter, but everyone has their moments of weakness, and me and many other people want to be there to fight for you!
I love You!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you personally but am friends with Monica and have heard stories of you and your family from her. We will be saying prayers for you every night.
Your story is just another reminder that we need to be advocates for ourselves. Good for you for listening to yourself and continuing to try to get answers.
Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Liz Harvey
I will be thinking of you daily. You have the best attitude and I know in my heart you are going to beat this! Sending postive thoughts and prayers your way! Celeste & the Smiley Family
ReplyDeleteI am so incredibly saddened by your news, it makes my heart ache. Our prayers, support, love and anything we can offer to help is yours. I’m so glad you have so many wonderful, generous and loving friends close (and Cindy) to you, to help out at this time. We will think of you and your family daily and send you all the girl power we can! Love, The Zuniga’s
ReplyDeleteMija, this blog is a work of art. It is going to be wonderful getting updates without interrupting you and Jr. Your family is all on your team and we are your biggest cheerleaders!
ReplyDeleteHi Pita
ReplyDeletewe think about you everyday
we send our love always your way
Armando says a special prayer at night
Ruby's heart is a little uptight
and I just keep the beat just right
We love you Pita, Jr, the Girls and little Mataio
Gary, Ruby & Armando