It was such a wonderful experience being with my goddaughter during her 5th chemo treatment this past Friday. She approaches each treatment with conviction, kindness, faith and a sense of humor. As many of you know, she has many gifts, and is becoming quite popular at the Infusion Center. Felicitas calms everyone’s nerves through her laughter, humor and stories.
Felicitas and her Nina, Janet |
During treatment we met Dee, a lovely and kind woman, who was having a hard time with her chemo. She, like Felicitas, is part of the ISPY2 study, she is actually assigned to the same ARM of the trial as Felicitas but was just beginning her second treatment that day. She shared that since her first chemo was so difficult that she actually dropped out of the study. Felicitas immediately encouraged her not to give up and shared how important it was to be a part of a study of a few select women. Since Felicitas is 3 weeks ahead of Dee in her treatment, she was able to calm her down and reassure her that she could do it. Every three weeks the treatment would be harder with both the carboplatin and taxol, but in between, it wouldn’t be as bad. Dee was smiling and very appreciative of Pita’s words. She remarked at Pita’s beauty, strength and courage for such a young woman and left the center, determined to stay with the study. Observing this interaction and the compassion that Felicitas communicates to others are rare gifts that she can use to discover a new path in her life of serving others. I am extremely proud of her and admire her strength and compassion. She is definitely forging a new path in her life.
New hair! |
Felicitas is tired after her chemo, but finds it difficult to sleep with the Decadron (taken on Thursdays and Fridays) that keeps her awake. But she always makes special time with each of her children. Felicitas and Junior are amazing parents and spend important time with their children, loving, listening, guiding, and nurturing them while honoring family time in spite of all they are going through. I am so thankful to all of their friends and family who have been so supportive with time, gifts and love that have kept them focused and positive. They are awed by your kindness!
Lastly, the special blanket that Felicitas packs away in her pink bag that she takes with her to chemo, filled with books, treats, I-pod, are all symbols that remind her that she is never alone on this journey. I feel anxious when I’m away from her, but I remember all of you and then I thank God for you and your love and remember she is well loved and cared for. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Nana Janet.