Chemo Weeks 6 & 7
Week 6 |
Shannon and Felicitas |
Since there wasn't much new information to report, we decided to combine the last two weeks into one blog entry. The last two chemo sessions, Felicitas' friend, Shannon Marchal has taken her to Moores Cancer Center for her infusions. Shannon and Felicitas know each other through their mutual friend, Kristine Sterchi. Both Felicitas and Shannon have 3 kids, so they had lots to chat about! Felicitas truly appreciates her getting up bright and early to take her to chemo and keeping her company. Thank you so much Shannon for helping the time at Moores pass more quickly! During her 7th infusion, the Rayray's friend, Paul Sanches stopped by on his way to Horton Hospital. It was so nice of him to take the time out of his busy day to visit with Felicitas. Thank you Paul!
Week 7 |
Today, Felicitas had an appointment with Dr. Parker to check her progress. She continues to be impressed with how the tumor is reacting to the chemotherapy and actually had difficulty locating it today because it has shrunk so dramatically and is less dense. She is also impressed with the way Felicitas' body is handling the chemo. It is very common for patients to be forced to skip chemo infusions or be given a lower dosage of chemo because of low blood counts. A few weeks ago, Felicitas' counts were low so they added a second neupogen shot during the week to help raise her counts. She goes to Moores every Saturday and Sunday to receive her neupogen shot. Because of these injections, her blood counts have been high enough for her to get her regular dose of chemo each week.
Felicitas has 5 more weeks of the Carboplatin/Taxol chemotherapy combination left. Once she has completed the full 12 cycles of this medication, she will meet with her surgeon, Dr. Anne Wallace to discuss her surgery. She will also have an MRI to check the progress of her tumors. Once this is complete, she will be given a new type of chemo, Adriamycin and Cytoxan. She will receive 4 cycles of this combination of chemotherapy.
Felicitas and Paul |
ReplyDeleteThank you for being such an incredible blogger! This blog is so important to so many and I am so happy that we are able to keep so many friends and family informed. Thank you to all of my beautiful, thoughtful and amazing friends and family. I really believe that you are all giving me the strength to power through each day.
I too look forward to reading the blogs so I am so appreciative of you, Samira. I am amazed at my goddaughter's strength getting through her chemo every week. She is making such great progress and it's so exciting to hear what Dr. Parker has to say...We have to continue to pray daily! Keep those miracles coming!
ReplyDeleteMiss you! You look GREAT!!!