Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chemo, Week 2

After only 1 week of chemotherapy, Felicitas received some fantastic news! After a manual check, her doctor could tell that her tumor had already shrunk approximately 2 centimeters in size and was less dense than the previous week! The lymph nodes are also smaller by about 1 centimeter. So the Rayrays had plenty to celebrate this past weekend between Mateo's 1st birthday and this positive news!

For the second week of chemotherapy, Felicitas' brother Vinicio traveled from San Jose to be with her. This treatment was a little shorter since she only received Taxol this time. So far this week, she's been feeling much better. Her appetite is back and she's not feeling as tired. She said she should be the "poster child" for breast cancer! So it seems that the weeks she gets the two types of chemo, the Taxol and the Carboplatin, are going to be much harder on her than when she only receives the Taxol.

On March 8, she'll have a biopsy and an MRI as part of her clinical trial, to see the exact measurements of her tumor and lymph nodes.


  1. Such great news Amiga! Thank you for the updates. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily. Te mando muchos abrazos :)

  2. Bendito sea Dios Padre todo poderoso! felicitas hemos estado orando tanto por ti que Nuestro padre Santo esta escuchando nuestras plegaris. Dios te siga bendiciendo y aunque el camino sea duro debemos caminarlo con mucha fe hasta que la tormenta pase y veamos el milagro del seƱor realizado en ti ..gloria a Dios!!!!!!we lo love you

  3. Felicitas will be the poster child for the ISPY2 with the fabulous results that are taking place. Way to go Pita! And, yes, keep those prayers coming in...My candle is lit and my prayers are going out to my precious goddaugher....I love you!
