Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chemotherapy Update

Last week, Felicitas had a surgery to put in her Portacath. This device will be used to administer her weekly chemotherapy treatments. She also had a series of tests done in preparation for the clinical trial (Ispy-2), biopsies of tumor and lymph nodes, mamogram, ultrasound, MRI, and lab work. All the tests were sent to UCSF to be reviewed. This week, UCSF returned the MammaPrint, a microarray based test in which the result classifies analyzed tumors as low or high risk for recurrence of the disease. Her results indicated that her cancer is high risk and that she is eligible to participate in the Ispy-2 Trial immediately. I have included a link to an article explaining Ispy-2, the clinical trial that Felicitas is particpating in under "Important Links."

Yesterday, UCSD randomly assigned her as part of the 80% of participants to receive an experimental drug in addition to the standard chemotherapy.  Felicitas will go through 12 cycles of Taxol and 4 cycles of Carboplatin (1 cycle of Carboplatin every 3 weeks).

At 7:30 this morning, she met with her oncologist, Dr. Parker to discuss all of the details of her chemotherapy. Her first round of chemo is tomorrow, February 18 at 8am which is exactly one month to the day from when she was diagnosed. 

Felicitas has been completely overwhelmed by the love and kindness from all of the people who have reached out to her over this past month. Friends and family have been so incredibly generous. She has been receiving cards filled with encouragement and support, flowers, had her house cleaned, and been given meals through Dream Dinners that have already proven to be a huge help! The care packages have also been a wonderful distraction during this time. They've been filled with healthy snacks, items to make dinners, lotions, and gifts for the kids, just to name a few. Graciela and Maya are especially loving being able to open these weekly packages! A huge thank you to the staff of Juarez Lincoln Elementary, where Felicitas teaches. They made her a beautiful quilt where each staff member said a prayer while tying on a piece of yarn. They told her when she wraps herself in the quilt, she will be surrounded by their love and prayers. These amazing gestures combined with your thoughts and prayers are giving Felicitas the strength she needs to face each day. The Rayray's feel truly blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding them. 

Here's a message Felicitas wanted to make sure I included:
"Thank you so much to my incredible husband who has been so unbelievably positive and encouraging through this entire journey. He's spent countless hours researching on the internet, come with me to every doctor appointment, asked questions I wouldn't even think to ask. I mean, the doctors were so impressed with his questions, they asked if he had a medical background! He's making sure I stick to my "no refined sugar" diet (which isn't easy!) and even allowing me to sleep in! I have seen a different side to him through all of this. He's the husband I never knew I had! I love you Jun!"


  1. Thank you to the lovely Samira for her thorough update. I only sent her a few bullets! Ahhh, I am so nervous for tomorrow! First day of chemotherapy. First day of my journey to recovery. I know that this last month (to the day) has been so much more bearable because of all of you that have shown me each day how much you care.

    Lisa and Kristine have been with me this week, helping me prepare for my big day. To have my dear friends of 15 years, my friends who have been with me through so many of my life milestones here with me means the world to me. Thank you, girls!

  2. Good luck today Felicitas. We are all thinking of you as you go through, and I mean through, this journey. Bring that supportive quilt with you to help you along the way. Amy:)

  3. Incredible update, thanks Samira! Felicitas, I am so happy for you and Junior, it is obvious that God put you together for great reasons. It is so wonderful that your "sisters" could be with you during this time. Looking forward to the positive results!!

  4. wonderful update Samira! I just cried when I read about the quilt.. and of course about Felicitas message to Jr. It has been truly wonderful to see the love and support you both have been receiving from everyone.. and even more wonderful to see the love and support you have shown to eachother. Love you both!

  5. Samira thank you so much for keeping us all posted!
    Felicitas you are extremely lucky to have so many people that love you! Every time I read your blog and FB post, they practically bring me to tears. Love you amiga!

  6. We love you Felícitas! Let us know what we can help with!

  7. Great and encouraging article on the treatment that all of Ispy-2 is. Sounds so promising! Keep the faith!

  8. felicitas hola mija soy patty la mami de nadya tal parece que nadie de tus amistades habla español, pues que bueno para mi, haci no entienden lo que te dijo jijiji! quisiera recordarte que esta en pie lo dicho que tienes free childcare conmigo no dudes en llamarme y echale ganas tus nenes te necesitan fuerte y positiva llena de fe para un futuro brillante todas mis oraciones y amor estan contigo. no olvides qque Dios esta a tu lado siempre aun en este trago tan amargo no te va ha dejar caer nuca,nunca..ok we love u nadya y patty mtz
