Dear Mateo,
I want you to know that you have the bravest of all parents, straight ninja-type parents, who after 3 months of finding out they were pregnant with you, were no longer scared out of their minds. After having your sisters, we were convinced that you were also going to be a girl. But at our ultrasound, the technician, announced that you were a boy. Daddy was dead silent. Mamá was bawling, rambling and texting......all at the same time. You will soon find out that this is a common trend around here.

On February 25th, 2010 at 12:10 am, you were born. So perfect and so sweet. So warm and so cuddly. So stinky and so smiley. So yawny and so grumpy. All at once. I know, mamá likes to make up adjectives. But you were and you still are. You have been such a miracle for our family. You are the only one that everyone fights to be next to. The only one that everyone fights to spoon feed (please do not get used to this). The only one that no one can ever be upset with and the only one who has never been to time out. Your sisters enjoy reading to you, showing you how to do things, watching you take a bath and pretending to know what you just said.
You love learning new things. You love to dance as you listen to music (you always listen to Shakira because daddy says he is your favorite-hmmmmm). You enjoy being sung to (Pon, Pon, Pon and La araña pequeñita are some of your faves). You love trucks and electronics but you also enjoy playing Disney Princesses and Barbies with your sisters. Don't be embarrassed, this is totally normal.
This past year has been a little hectic, managing three kids has not always been easy. Sometimes daddy and I don't always know the right thing to do or say. But, I think daddy and I finally have it down. We realized what makes everyone happy. Love. All we have to do is love you. You fit in perfectly in this family because you love to be loved and we are all pretty darn good at it.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!! Mama left out your passion to do pull-ups on the pull-up bar, to stand on your head, and the 1-2 combos you throw when you're excited, but we'll give her a pass as she covered everything else. And I wasn't silent when we saw the ultra sound. Daddy was in the middle of a backflip. Love you Mateo!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Sweet Boy! Your Mom's words brought me to tears! What an amazing family you have!
ReplyDeleteFeliz Cumpleanos nene precioso! You are part of a wonderful family! Felicitas and Junior, you once again have brought me to happy tears. Enjoy your sweet baby boy on his very special day!
ReplyDeleteYou are our precious baby boy, Mateo. We love you so very much and are thankful to have you in our lives. Your smile is contagious and you are just so fun to be with. It's hard for nana not to come in gangbusters! You have two beautiful sisters who will always look out for you and two parents who love you soooooooooo much! Happy Birthday Mateo!!!!!